
Emmanuel Pidré Starosta

Emmanuel Pidré Starosta, also known as Emma Pidré, is an artist and puppy curator born in Buenos Aires and currently living and working in Basel. He holds a Diploma in Visual Arts from Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin and an MA from the Institute Art Gender Nature / FHNW Basel, under the direction of Prof. Chus Martínez.

Pidré's installations explore the complex interplay between subject, object and, space. He is concerned with the power dynamics that are established by structures of oppression and desire, mediated by culture as a form of production and transference of knowledge, habits, and behaviours but as well as in the values embedded in the construction of space and the fabrication of objects, both as art and as commodities.

His work straddles the line between the digital and the material, utilising hyper-aesthetic bodies to both engage with and disrupt the surrounding space. His installations investigate the appropriation of “low” culture aesthetics by “high-class” society and vice versa, aiming to spark a dialogue on the nature of cultural codes and the repressed desires that underpin the rejection of the “Other.”

Pidré's work delves into the underlying inequality within society, as they intersect with issues of aesthetic codes in defining cultural and class identity. Through re-signifying the relationships between cultural codes and aesthetics with technology, Pidré's installations offer an invitation to consider new possibilities for the definition of the subject and their agency as an active cultural actor.

In his work, Pidré employs digital projection and computerised fabrication, utilising 3D design and CAD software and tools such as CNC machines, 3D printers, and laser-cutting technology. He works with materials such as wood and metal and also incorporates elements of pop culture, including earrings, bracelets, necklaces, chains, temporary tattoos, and other items related to jewelry and cheap beauty accessories. His art reflects upon the alienation experienced in contemporary society within a cognitive-capitalist reality.

Pidré's work has been featured in a solo show at CPU - Entorno para operaciones de arte contemporáneo (Buenos Aires) and in group exhibitions at Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art- LCCA (Riga), Sesc (São Paulo), Palace De Glace (Buenos Aires), EAC - Espacio de Arte Contemporaneo (Montevideo), La Chaufferie (HEAR) (Strasbourg), Kunst Raum Riehen (Basel), Kunsthalle Palazzo (Liestal), Kunsthaus Baselland (Baselland), Luigi Solito Gallery (Nápoles), WAF Gallery (Vienna), LANDschafftKUNST Biennale IX (Brandenburg), Schau Fenster (Berlin), to name the most important. In 2025, Pidré will have his first solo presentation at N.A.S.A.L. Gallery in Mexico City.

As an amateur curator, Emma Pidré has organised exhibitions at venues like Spoiler Aktionraum (Berlin), Erratum Gallery (Berlin), WAF Gallery (Vienna), T-R-I-N-I-D-A-D Gallery (Oaxaca), Mindpirates Projektraum (Berlin), and Panoramica Festival (Buenos Aires).

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