

«Sin el impulso imperioso de librarse del dolor»
by Alejandro García Contreras
at N.A.S.A.L, MX

Fuente: Terremoto Blog

Here force failed my high fantasy; but my desire and will were moved already — like a wheel revolving uniformly — by the Love that moves the sun and the other stars.
"The Divine Comedy" – Dante Alighieri

Just like there are chapters to every story undoubtedly there must be an ending for any beginning, an outcome which is revealed under its own conditions following a sequence of events or elements which allow it to be defined for posterity. Each individual writes their own tale through their own experiences and due conclusions, moments where the catharsis comes from facing one´s self in the eve of consequence, in that state of reflection where there´s nothing left but surrendering to the truth. If being in the presence requires an acceptance of the past, how could a future free of repercussions be conceived?

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